My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4948772
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this scene, the two actors prepare for the climax of the play. The scene opens with a soliloquy by the actor who plays the role of Prince Charming. He tells his co-actor, Seto, to wake up with him and kiss the beautiful princess as if he can do it. He says that he cannot do the scene because he is a man who cannot do it, and that he is afraid of what will happen if he does not do it right. He also tells Seto that he and Seto are roommates and that it would be easier for Seto to do the part right if he practiced it with him. The two actors agree to practice the scene together.
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My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4948772
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this scene, the two actors prepare for the climax of the play. The scene opens with a soliloquy by the actor who plays the role of Prince Charming. He tells his co-actor, Seto, to wake up with him and kiss the beautiful princess as if he can do it. He says that he cannot do the scene because he is a man who cannot do it, and that he is afraid of what will happen if he does not do it right. He also tells Seto that he and Seto are roommates and that it would be easier for Seto to do the part right if he practiced it with him. The two actors agree to practice the scene together.
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