My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-4948777
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the narrator tells us that he is a student at a boarding school, and that his roommate, Sparkle, is obsessed with him. Sparkle has been proposing to him every day, and the two have become "room mates" . The narrator asks Sparkle why he likes him so much, and Sparkle says that he doesn't like the school's "socially event" , which is supposed to be a fun time for students to gather and socialize. He also asks Sparkle if he is the "daily leader" of the school, which means that he's the one who gets up in the morning and cleans the room. Sparkle says he does this because he likes the idea of being a leader, but he also likes the fact that Sparkle helps him a lot, and he thinks Sparkle is helping him too much.
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My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-4948777
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the narrator tells us that he is a student at a boarding school, and that his roommate, Sparkle, is obsessed with him. Sparkle has been proposing to him every day, and the two have become "room mates" . The narrator asks Sparkle why he likes him so much, and Sparkle says that he doesn't like the school's "socially event" , which is supposed to be a fun time for students to gather and socialize. He also asks Sparkle if he is the "daily leader" of the school, which means that he's the one who gets up in the morning and cleans the room. Sparkle says he does this because he likes the idea of being a leader, but he also likes the fact that Sparkle helps him a lot, and he thinks Sparkle is helping him too much.
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