I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 36 • Page ik-page-5157503
Chapter 36
This is a locked chapterChapter 36
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we meet Natsu, who has just received word that her husband has had an affair with another woman. She thanks him profusely, and tells him that she will have to pay him later for the services he has given her. She also tells him about the frien and the sleeping queen, who have left her to "perfo nt" services she ordered. Natsu then tells us that she has a lot of money, and that she needs to go to Osaka and ask for work from the two of them. She asks if she can sleep with her, and when she says yes, she gives her a fever and goes to sleep.
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I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 36 • Page ik-page-5157503
Chapter 36
This is a locked chapterChapter 36
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we meet Natsu, who has just received word that her husband has had an affair with another woman. She thanks him profusely, and tells him that she will have to pay him later for the services he has given her. She also tells him about the frien and the sleeping queen, who have left her to "perfo nt" services she ordered. Natsu then tells us that she has a lot of money, and that she needs to go to Osaka and ask for work from the two of them. She asks if she can sleep with her, and when she says yes, she gives her a fever and goes to sleep.
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