I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-5157502
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young woman is in love with a man who is her husband's friend. She asks the man to help her find her lover, but the man refuses, saying that he does not want to be involved in an affair while he is with a woman. The young woman tells the man that her mother-in-law was nosy about her having children, and that her husband does not think he is involved in the affair. She tells him that she will go out for dinner, and then she will clean up her room. She then tells the young man that he can sleep in the living room, but that it is a messy room, so she will use the bedroom for the night. She will then go out to eat, and she will then come back and clean up the room.
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I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-5157502
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young woman is in love with a man who is her husband's friend. She asks the man to help her find her lover, but the man refuses, saying that he does not want to be involved in an affair while he is with a woman. The young woman tells the man that her mother-in-law was nosy about her having children, and that her husband does not think he is involved in the affair. She tells him that she will go out for dinner, and then she will clean up her room. She then tells the young man that he can sleep in the living room, but that it is a messy room, so she will use the bedroom for the night. She will then go out to eat, and she will then come back and clean up the room.
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