I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-4948756
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
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Miwa muto arrives at the pavilion and asks to be taken in for a few days. She tells the pavilion that one of her cousins doesn't care about the fee for her stay. Miwa says that she's sorry that she came all this way, but she wants to get some fresh air before she goes back to her family's house. She asks the pavilion to let her stay for a couple of days and then she'll come back. The pavilion says that Miwa can stay for as long as she wants, but Miwa has two conditions: she can't leave her job and she has to divorce Miwa.
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I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-4948756
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
Miwa muto arrives at the pavilion and asks to be taken in for a few days. She tells the pavilion that one of her cousins doesn't care about the fee for her stay. Miwa says that she's sorry that she came all this way, but she wants to get some fresh air before she goes back to her family's house. She asks the pavilion to let her stay for a couple of days and then she'll come back. The pavilion says that Miwa can stay for as long as she wants, but Miwa has two conditions: she can't leave her job and she has to divorce Miwa.
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