I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-4948753
Chapter 16
This is a locked chapterChapter 16
About This Chapter
"An Affair While Being By My Husband Get a Divorce" is the title of this short scene. It's about a woman who's been having an affair while her husband is getting a divorce. She's in love with a man, and she wants to get a divorce so she can go home and be with him. But she's worried about her mom, so she takes the woman to her room. She tells the woman that she can't stay over the night because she'll have to share her mom's room with someone else. The woman is horrified at the idea of her mom being alone in her room, but she doesn't want to upset her mom. She asks the woman what's wrong with her, and the woman tells her that her mom is holding her back because of her husband's infidelity. She says that if her mom were to divorce her husband now, she'd be able to spend the night with her lover. But the woman says that she won't do that, because she
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I'm Having an Affair While Being Embraced by My Husband • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-4948753
Chapter 16
This is a locked chapterChapter 16
About This Chapter
"An Affair While Being By My Husband Get a Divorce" is the title of this short scene. It's about a woman who's been having an affair while her husband is getting a divorce. She's in love with a man, and she wants to get a divorce so she can go home and be with him. But she's worried about her mom, so she takes the woman to her room. She tells the woman that she can't stay over the night because she'll have to share her mom's room with someone else. The woman is horrified at the idea of her mom being alone in her room, but she doesn't want to upset her mom. She asks the woman what's wrong with her, and the woman tells her that her mom is holding her back because of her husband's infidelity. She says that if her mom were to divorce her husband now, she'd be able to spend the night with her lover. But the woman says that she won't do that, because she
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