In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-4948504
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Hirokazu's character, shindo, and his assistant, Akatsuki, are seen together in the apartment. The two of them discuss the upcoming scene in which they are to kiss. As they are about to kiss, the scene is interrupted by the sound of someone's voice. The voice is that of a young girl who has just arrived at the school. The girl, who has arrived from Japan, is a student named Araki, and she has just returned from her first trip to Europe. She has been studying in France for a year and has come to the United States to study at the French school in order to further her education. She is very excited to be studying in Paris, where she has met Araki. As she is about to leave the school, she hears the voice of
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In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-4948504
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Hirokazu's character, shindo, and his assistant, Akatsuki, are seen together in the apartment. The two of them discuss the upcoming scene in which they are to kiss. As they are about to kiss, the scene is interrupted by the sound of someone's voice. The voice is that of a young girl who has just arrived at the school. The girl, who has arrived from Japan, is a student named Araki, and she has just returned from her first trip to Europe. She has been studying in France for a year and has come to the United States to study at the French school in order to further her education. She is very excited to be studying in Paris, where she has met Araki. As she is about to leave the school, she hears the voice of
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