In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-4948501
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
It's the morning of the next day, and we're introduced to a new character named "San" . He's a super-duper nice guy who's super into his job as a gas inspector. We learn that he's got a crush on a famous actress named Helen , and that she's living in an old, dingy apartment in the middle of nowhere. We're also introduced to another super-nice guy named "Shindo" , who is super into cleaning up the apartment and making sure it's safe for his tenants to live in. We also learn that the guy's pretty good at it, too, because he'll even risk his life to make sure that his tenants' personal information is safe. This is all very nice of him, but we've got to wonder why he doesn't just leave it up to Helen to clean up after herself.
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In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-4948501
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
It's the morning of the next day, and we're introduced to a new character named "San" . He's a super-duper nice guy who's super into his job as a gas inspector. We learn that he's got a crush on a famous actress named Helen , and that she's living in an old, dingy apartment in the middle of nowhere. We're also introduced to another super-nice guy named "Shindo" , who is super into cleaning up the apartment and making sure it's safe for his tenants to live in. We also learn that the guy's pretty good at it, too, because he'll even risk his life to make sure that his tenants' personal information is safe. This is all very nice of him, but we've got to wonder why he doesn't just leave it up to Helen to clean up after herself.
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