In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4948502
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The scene opens in the apartment of the Governess. The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with her servant, who is also in the room. The servant tells her that she is being watched by a famous actor. She asks him what he is doing there, and he replies that he is looking for her. She tells him that he has come all the way to watch her, and that she has been thinking about him. He asks her when she started liking him, and she replies that she saw how handsome he was on an episode of Infa. She says that she looks forward to seeing him in the magazine every week, and then she says that he continued to be her fan, and so she asks him if he would like to give her more thanks. He says he would, and they begin to kiss. The two begin to rub, and the servant says he is not doing it because he is his fan, but because he wants to give him more. He then says he cannot resist if he hears someone whispering into his ear, and finally he says he will spoil the servant if he does not stop.
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In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4948502
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The scene opens in the apartment of the Governess. The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with her servant, who is also in the room. The servant tells her that she is being watched by a famous actor. She asks him what he is doing there, and he replies that he is looking for her. She tells him that he has come all the way to watch her, and that she has been thinking about him. He asks her when she started liking him, and she replies that she saw how handsome he was on an episode of Infa. She says that she looks forward to seeing him in the magazine every week, and then she says that he continued to be her fan, and so she asks him if he would like to give her more thanks. He says he would, and they begin to kiss. The two begin to rub, and the servant says he is not doing it because he is his fan, but because he wants to give him more. He then says he cannot resist if he hears someone whispering into his ear, and finally he says he will spoil the servant if he does not stop.
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