In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4948495
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this scene, we are introduced to a new character named Ibuki. He is a young man who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He has just arrived at his new home, Apartment 501, where he has been instructed to change the light on the balcony in order to help him find his way to the top of the mountain. He asks the servant, who is dressed in his usual clothes, to help with the change of light. The servant, however, does not seem to have much interest in changing the light, as he is concerned about his own health. He tells the servant that he has just sprained his ankle, and that he will need to get dressed and warm up before going to work. He says that he is grateful for the food he has received from the Galapagos, as it has made him very healthy. He thanks the servant for taking good care of him, and he promises to take care of the servant in his place today. He then notices that the servant's voice seems to be speaking to him, as if he were talking to someone else. He wonders if the voice is actually that of the young man, but the servant assures him that it is indeed the voice of the man he is speaking to. He wishes that he could
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In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4948495
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this scene, we are introduced to a new character named Ibuki. He is a young man who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He has just arrived at his new home, Apartment 501, where he has been instructed to change the light on the balcony in order to help him find his way to the top of the mountain. He asks the servant, who is dressed in his usual clothes, to help with the change of light. The servant, however, does not seem to have much interest in changing the light, as he is concerned about his own health. He tells the servant that he has just sprained his ankle, and that he will need to get dressed and warm up before going to work. He says that he is grateful for the food he has received from the Galapagos, as it has made him very healthy. He thanks the servant for taking good care of him, and he promises to take care of the servant in his place today. He then notices that the servant's voice seems to be speaking to him, as if he were talking to someone else. He wonders if the voice is actually that of the young man, but the servant assures him that it is indeed the voice of the man he is speaking to. He wishes that he could
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