The scene opens with a knock at the door. It's shindo and he's getting ready to go to work. He's worried that he might have fainted, but he reassures him that he'll be fine. He tells him to hold on to him, because they're going to see them in the morning. They're coming in, he says, and they need to lower the temperature in the apartment so they can see them. He says he can do it himself, and he tells him that they'll have to wait outside in the hot sun. He asks if he can squeeze his pant into the air so it won't get too hot, and then he asks if she knows how to lower it. She says she doesn't, and that she'll do it herself. She tells him she's going to change into a pant that's more comfortable for her, and she says she can squeeze it into her pant to make it feel more comfortable. Then she asks him to squeeze her pant a little bit more, so she can feel her cheeks squeeze a little more, and make her feel like a "soft peach" . She asks him if he remembers the day she gave him a peach , and