In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4948498
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The scene opens in the apartment of "Mana mukai" , a young woman who has just returned from a trip to the "Infa Para" theater in Los Angeles. She is so excited to be back in the city that she begins to rub her pant leg, but it is too painful for her to do so. When she is finally able to release it, she feels her hand shaking and exclaims, "Shake it, shake it, super good!" . The scene then shifts to the studio where the young woman is waiting for "Shindo san" to arrive. She asks him to bring her the glasses she needs for her upcoming assignment, but he refuses, saying that his manager is sick. The young woman thanks him profusely for his kindness, and he tells her that he will meet her at the studio in 30 minutes.
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In Apartment 501 Lives a Sex Hero • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4948498
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The scene opens in the apartment of "Mana mukai" , a young woman who has just returned from a trip to the "Infa Para" theater in Los Angeles. She is so excited to be back in the city that she begins to rub her pant leg, but it is too painful for her to do so. When she is finally able to release it, she feels her hand shaking and exclaims, "Shake it, shake it, super good!" . The scene then shifts to the studio where the young woman is waiting for "Shindo san" to arrive. She asks him to bring her the glasses she needs for her upcoming assignment, but he refuses, saying that his manager is sick. The young woman thanks him profusely for his kindness, and he tells her that he will meet her at the studio in 30 minutes.
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