This chapter opens with a conversation between Hiroshi and Ito. Hiroshi tells Ito that he's heard that a company in New York has developed an app that allows women to order makeup recommendations. Ito says that the app was only made possible thanks to his employees, who worked very hard on the project and on business communication. He tells Hiroshi that he feels the pressure of taking on many responsibilities, but that ultimately, he'll be able to make the best of whatever situation he finds himself in. He also says that his husband is indecisive, and that led him to be the one who took the lead in his marriage. Ido says that she's not looking forward to this part of the conversation, because she doesn't want to add anything to her private life. She tells Ido that her husband is kind, but indecisive, which led to her taking the lead. She says that her love life is a mystery to her because she can't find her husband anywhere else. She asks Hiroshi if he has anything to add to her life, and he says that he has nothing to add. She then tells him that she needs to act before she can act, because Hiroshi hasn't been home. He's sleeping in a room with no lights and no one to wake him up. She realizes that she wants to speak to him about her feelings for him, and decides to do so. She's been nervous ever since.
This chapter opens with a conversation between Hiroshi and Ito. Hiroshi tells Ito that he's heard that a company in New York has developed an app that allows women to order makeup recommendations. Ito says that the app was only made possible thanks to his employees, who worked very hard on the project and on business communication. He tells Hiroshi that he feels the pressure of taking on many responsibilities, but that ultimately, he'll be able to make the best of whatever situation he finds himself in. He also says that his husband is indecisive, and that led him to be the one who took the lead in his marriage. Ido says that she's not looking forward to this part of the conversation, because she doesn't want to add anything to her private life. She tells Ido that her husband is kind, but indecisive, which led to her taking the lead. She says that her love life is a mystery to her because she can't find her husband anywhere else. She asks Hiroshi if he has anything to add to her life, and he says that he has nothing to add. She then tells him that she needs to act before she can act, because Hiroshi hasn't been home. He's sleeping in a room with no lights and no one to wake him up. She realizes that she wants to speak to him about her feelings for him, and decides to do so. She's been nervous ever since.