Back at the palace, the prince is pleased to see his lady-in-waiting. He greets her as if she were his wife, but she tells him to be quiet and not to make fun of him again. He tells her that he'll come back again, and she says that she'll leave the gossip to her maid. The prince tells her not to worry, but the maid says that's fine, because she's worried about what's going to happen to her family if they find out about her affair with the prince
Back at the palace, the prince is pleased to see his lady-in-waiting. He greets her as if she were his wife, but she tells him to be quiet and not to make fun of him again. He tells her that he'll come back again, and she says that she'll leave the gossip to her maid. The prince tells her not to worry, but the maid says that's fine, because she's worried about what's going to happen to her family if they find out about her affair with the prince