The next morning, Hiroshi finds the envelope that he found earlier in the day, and he wonders where it might have gone. He wonders if shinozaki might have given it to Hiroshi, but he doesn't know why. He also wonders if the sick leave Hiroshi gave his wife was a lie, and wonders if there was anything between Hiroshi and his wife. Hiroshi tells him that there is no reason to believe anything between them, and that it looks like "an ordinary issue" between the two of them
The next morning, Hiroshi finds the envelope that he found earlier in the day, and he wonders where it might have gone. He wonders if shinozaki might have given it to Hiroshi, but he doesn't know why. He also wonders if the sick leave Hiroshi gave his wife was a lie, and wonders if there was anything between Hiroshi and his wife. Hiroshi tells him that there is no reason to believe anything between them, and that it looks like "an ordinary issue" between the two of them