I’ll Make This Yakuza My Prisoner! • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-4243843
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
When the doctor arrives, Hirokazu asks him if he's all right, and he says that he is. The doctor tells him that he has come to save Hiroyuki, and that he came to give him the medicine he needed to survive. Hiroyuki says that the doctor came to save him, and the doctor says that they're done with the scene. He says that if Hiroyuki doesn't leave him alone, he'll leave him to his own devices, and Hiroyuki will be the first to die
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I’ll Make This Yakuza My Prisoner! • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-4243843
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
When the doctor arrives, Hirokazu asks him if he's all right, and he says that he is. The doctor tells him that he has come to save Hiroyuki, and that he came to give him the medicine he needed to survive. Hiroyuki says that the doctor came to save him, and the doctor says that they're done with the scene. He says that if Hiroyuki doesn't leave him alone, he'll leave him to his own devices, and Hiroyuki will be the first to die
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