We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-4243989
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
"We slept together," the narrator tells us, and now we meet up with him. He's complaining about the rain, which seems to be getting worse all the time. He and the narrator decide to head to the train station, but they can't because it's pouring. They decide to go to a hotel, but the narrator doesn't want to stay in a room with other people, so he decides to go into a random room. He asks the narrator if she's used to this kind of thing before, and she tells him that she has. The narrator says that the first time they met, the narrator teased him in the bathroom, telling him they should get in the shower together. He didn't mean to tease her, he just wanted to cover up how much his heart was in hers. He says that's why he teased her in the first place, because he wanted her to feel like she was being treated like a kid. He tells the narrator that they only had sex the last time they were together, and he's glad that they're having sex again.
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We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-4243989
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
"We slept together," the narrator tells us, and now we meet up with him. He's complaining about the rain, which seems to be getting worse all the time. He and the narrator decide to head to the train station, but they can't because it's pouring. They decide to go to a hotel, but the narrator doesn't want to stay in a room with other people, so he decides to go into a random room. He asks the narrator if she's used to this kind of thing before, and she tells him that she has. The narrator says that the first time they met, the narrator teased him in the bathroom, telling him they should get in the shower together. He didn't mean to tease her, he just wanted to cover up how much his heart was in hers. He says that's why he teased her in the first place, because he wanted her to feel like she was being treated like a kid. He tells the narrator that they only had sex the last time they were together, and he's glad that they're having sex again.
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