We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4243971
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them go to bed together, and the narrator wonders if the young man is in love with her. He realizes that he has a low self-esteem, and he worries about his failures. He asks the narrator what the chances are that he and the younger man will fight. The narrator says that he can't imagine them fighting, because they're buds. The young man tells the narrator that he's getting a lot of messages from Minako, and that she needs to hurry home and figure out if she wants to go out with the older man or not.
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We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4243971
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them go to bed together, and the narrator wonders if the young man is in love with her. He realizes that he has a low self-esteem, and he worries about his failures. He asks the narrator what the chances are that he and the younger man will fight. The narrator says that he can't imagine them fighting, because they're buds. The young man tells the narrator that he's getting a lot of messages from Minako, and that she needs to hurry home and figure out if she wants to go out with the older man or not.
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