We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4243973
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
"We slept together, and now were living together" , the narrator tells us. He tells us that he's been waiting for the two of them to get back together. He's got a message from his boss saying that the delivery of his new apartment is on time, but that they're going to have to reschedule it. The narrator is worried about what's going to happen to his new job, but he doesn't want to upset his boss. He decides to take a bath with the narrator. He asks the narrator to show him more of his body, and the narrator blushes. He wants to know why the man is making fun of him, and he asks if the man has any sports. He says he does, and then asks if he can have another glass of wine, which the narrator thanks him for. He also asks if there's anything special he can offer the narrator, but the narrator says no, because he'd rather have a drink than anything else. He then says he'll let the narrator stay for the night, since the weather's bad and work is really busy. He offers to make dinner for them, and they agree.
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We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4243973
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
"We slept together, and now were living together" , the narrator tells us. He tells us that he's been waiting for the two of them to get back together. He's got a message from his boss saying that the delivery of his new apartment is on time, but that they're going to have to reschedule it. The narrator is worried about what's going to happen to his new job, but he doesn't want to upset his boss. He decides to take a bath with the narrator. He asks the narrator to show him more of his body, and the narrator blushes. He wants to know why the man is making fun of him, and he asks if the man has any sports. He says he does, and then asks if he can have another glass of wine, which the narrator thanks him for. He also asks if there's anything special he can offer the narrator, but the narrator says no, because he'd rather have a drink than anything else. He then says he'll let the narrator stay for the night, since the weather's bad and work is really busy. He offers to make dinner for them, and they agree.
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