We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4243986
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet a young man who is looking for an apartment. He's looking for a building with a separate bathroom and toilet, and a large living room with natural light. He doesn't know how to search for a place like this in Toyo, but he does know that he has a budget of about 600 yen a month. The young man shows the young man some of the apartments he's been looking at, and they all seem like they're for two people. The man wants to rent a single apartment, so he'll go to one of the other apartments and pretend to be looking for one person. He wants a bath like the one in the first apartment, and he wants a bigger one. The next apartment he looks at has a bath heater, and the kitchen is big, too. This one is a little older, but it's recently renovated, and it has a separate toilet and bath.
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We Slept Together and Now We’re Living Together!? Don’t Underestimate a Younger Man’s Sexy Schemes! • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4243986
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet a young man who is looking for an apartment. He's looking for a building with a separate bathroom and toilet, and a large living room with natural light. He doesn't know how to search for a place like this in Toyo, but he does know that he has a budget of about 600 yen a month. The young man shows the young man some of the apartments he's been looking at, and they all seem like they're for two people. The man wants to rent a single apartment, so he'll go to one of the other apartments and pretend to be looking for one person. He wants a bath like the one in the first apartment, and he wants a bigger one. The next apartment he looks at has a bath heater, and the kitchen is big, too. This one is a little older, but it's recently renovated, and it has a separate toilet and bath.
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