In this short scene, Mikku nakamura, a student at a new school, is introduced to the other students at the school. She introduces herself as a "distance relation" from her old school and invites them to eat lunch together. Mikku tells the students that she has a "boy friend" , which means that she is in love with a boy. She also tells them that she already has a crush on a boy named takahashi from class, but she is unable to tell the students the truth about their relationship.
In this short scene, Mikku nakamura, a student at a new school, is introduced to the other students at the school. She introduces herself as a "distance relation" from her old school and invites them to eat lunch together. Mikku tells the students that she has a "boy friend" , which means that she is in love with a boy. She also tells them that she already has a crush on a boy named takahashi from class, but she is unable to tell the students the truth about their relationship.