In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Kishi, who is a childhood friend of Kishi's. Kishi tells us that he is 18 years old and that he will not get hurt by Kishi in the future. He says that he wants to live with Kishi because Kishi has thought about him and he feels that this is the right thing to do. He asks Kishi if he can come and kiss him, and Kishi says yes.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Kishi, who is a childhood friend of Kishi's. Kishi tells us that he is 18 years old and that he will not get hurt by Kishi in the future. He says that he wants to live with Kishi because Kishi has thought about him and he feels that this is the right thing to do. He asks Kishi if he can come and kiss him, and Kishi says yes.