This is a locked chapterChapter 38: Teach Momo Xue a Lesson? It Ain't Happening
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Mingmei and Weisi are in love. Mingmei tells Weisi that she has designs for him that she is happy with and that she will show him them to him if he meets Mingmei. Weisi agrees to meet Mingmei if Mingmei sends him some of her designs. He also tells Mingmei that he will beat her in the monthly exam. He then tells his brother, who is also in love with Mingmei, that he is the one who created the rumor on the internet. He tells him that the rumor is true and that he would beat Mingmei on the exam if he knew sooner. He says that he still has chances to win Mingmei's hand in marriage. He asks Mingmei to pick him up at the university after school, and Mingmei agrees to do so. She then tells him about her relationship with Shuyuan, saying that she does not like him because he looks like a "nouveau riche" . She also says that all men laugh at her back because she is so self-satisfied