This is a locked chapterChapter 27: Mysterious Helper
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the chairman of the vampire's club, Shuyuan ji, is lying about the whereabouts of his "sweetheart" , who is a student named Momo Xue. Shuyuan tells us that the story is "purely fictitious" and that there is no "intangible or description of actual events, characters or locations" in the setting. He says that if Momo wins first place in a monthly exam, he will be convinced that she is a "straight-a student" . He then announces that the empire group is giving a scholarship fund to the school and that essays and other competitions can get a prize of 30,000 yuan. Momo congratulates her on winning the prize and says that it is definitely because of her. She also says that the other person who helped her hack the school is also her brother , and that he should not tell her what he wants to do because it will make the other guy disappear. She asks if she can help them write an essay for the university, and she says that she can, but that she has to go because her little brother needs her help. She says that he is just an "otaku liking" to show off and that she will have to go to help him. She tells him that he has been seen as a "study slacker" or a "prostitution" and asks him to teach him a lesson. She invites him to dinner, and he says he is "tragic" to thank her for helping him and invites her to eat with him. He tells her that she stabbed him in the back, but he can't believe that she