The school principal asks the girl what she's going to do. The girl says she accidentally turned off the school's surveillance camera when she was being raped by Ren. The principal says Ren's mom set her up so she wouldn't get caught. Ren says that if the whole thing is made public, it'll be a big scandal. The school won't allow Ren to leave. Ren is worried that the school won t let her leave, but the principal tells her that they'll give her an answer. Ren thinks the school will let her go, but she'll have to explain why they treat her so poorly. The headmaster says Ren can go to the school to get the answer he wants. Ren can't believe that the headmaster won' t listen to his appeal. Ren believes that Ren can hear her heart, but he doesn't understand why the headmaster can' t hear it. Ren tells the headmaster that he'll wait to hear the answer from the school. Ren and Ren argue about how Ren compromised too much in the past, and now Ren has to plan for the future. Ren blames his past life for being too green, and he blames the rebirth of his life on making money first. Ren asks the headmaster what he should think about now. It's over, everything is over. Ren kneels down and remembers her.