In the meantime, the captain of the ship has received a message from Cai Ming, saying that Cai Ming has been seriously injured. Cai Ming asks the captain what happened, and the captain tells him that the captain has disobeyed him all the time. The captain asks Cai Ming if he is worrying about the future, and Cai Ming replies that he is worried about the blood shadow. He says that he feels that the kid will surpass him, and that they did not meet their expectations. The Captain asks the guardian to block the grip of the kid, but the guardian coughs and says that it is not his job to do so. The man says that they have not met their expectations, but that they will meet them in the future
In the meantime, the captain of the ship has received a message from Cai Ming, saying that Cai Ming has been seriously injured. Cai Ming asks the captain what happened, and the captain tells him that the captain has disobeyed him all the time. The captain asks Cai Ming if he is worrying about the future, and Cai Ming replies that he is worried about the blood shadow. He says that he feels that the kid will surpass him, and that they did not meet their expectations. The Captain asks the guardian to block the grip of the kid, but the guardian coughs and says that it is not his job to do so. The man says that they have not met their expectations, but that they will meet them in the future