Reluctantly, sheng tells his sister that he's more powerful than his sister-in-law, and that they can still be brothers in the future, just like they are now. He says that he can kill mioomiao if she wants to, but he can't back away from his promise to his mother. sheng says that brother and sister are different: brother liu lives for justice, and sister mu lives for her mother's sake. He also says that if he rears the tiger, he'll be able to enjoy how it behaves, and he won't have to worry about it biting him one day. .
Reluctantly, sheng tells his sister that he's more powerful than his sister-in-law, and that they can still be brothers in the future, just like they are now. He says that he can kill mioomiao if she wants to, but he can't back away from his promise to his mother. sheng says that brother and sister are different: brother liu lives for justice, and sister mu lives for her mother's sake. He also says that if he rears the tiger, he'll be able to enjoy how it behaves, and he won't have to worry about it biting him one day. .