At the palace, he pretended to be ill and asked to be sent away the imperial doctor twice. The water ghosts snuck in from the window. He says he will never forget the smell of those ghosts. The rabbit is clever but also confused sometimes. She has provoked him thrice. Why haven't he gotten rid of the rabbit? if i didnt know she liked lai fuyi i would have thought she was indulgent me. if thats the case she has poor taste
At the palace, he pretended to be ill and asked to be sent away the imperial doctor twice. The water ghosts snuck in from the window. He says he will never forget the smell of those ghosts. The rabbit is clever but also confused sometimes. She has provoked him thrice. Why haven't he gotten rid of the rabbit? if i didnt know she liked lai fuyi i would have thought she was indulgent me. if thats the case she has poor taste