In this short scene, we are introduced to a young boy named Xingxing, who is in love with his teacher, Nan, and who has been invited to stay at the school for a few days. The boy is very excited to be at school, and he tells his teacher that he wants to be a part of the school's production of Romeo and Juliet. He also tells Nan that he has just learned that he is pregnant with his child. Nan is shocked, but the boy assures her that he will take care of the problem.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young boy named Xingxing, who is in love with his teacher, Nan, and who has been invited to stay at the school for a few days. The boy is very excited to be at school, and he tells his teacher that he wants to be a part of the school's production of Romeo and Juliet. He also tells Nan that he has just learned that he is pregnant with his child. Nan is shocked, but the boy assures her that he will take care of the problem.