The next morning, the two young men go for a walk. The narrator tells the two that he has overheard the conversation between the two men, and that they have kissed in the hallway. The young men tell the narrator that the mark on his neck is the mark of their love for each other. He asks the narrator to tell him what he smells like, and the narrator tells him that Bi-Wen wants to fight him in a big fight, but that he will not follow the young men's lead. The two men agree to meet again the next day, and they discuss the possibility of the two of them going back to the school together.
The next morning, the two young men go for a walk. The narrator tells the two that he has overheard the conversation between the two men, and that they have kissed in the hallway. The young men tell the narrator that the mark on his neck is the mark of their love for each other. He asks the narrator to tell him what he smells like, and the narrator tells him that Bi-Wen wants to fight him in a big fight, but that he will not follow the young men's lead. The two men agree to meet again the next day, and they discuss the possibility of the two of them going back to the school together.