The next morning, the Governess is in the middle of a conversation with two other women. The Governess wants to know if the other women are going to see Zizi. The first woman says that she is going to go to see him, but the second woman tells her that she will not be going because Zizi is in a box 304 , and that she has no interest in seeing him anymore. The two women are interrupted by the arrival of another woman, who introduces herself as Linda. She tells them that Zizi has been in town for ten happy days and that he has not been spending any money with her. The second woman asks if she can have a toast with her, and the first woman refuses to give her a toast, saying that it would be rude to do so in front of an investor. She then tells the other woman that if she asks Zizi again, she will beat her.
The next morning, the Governess is in the middle of a conversation with two other women. The Governess wants to know if the other women are going to see Zizi. The first woman says that she is going to go to see him, but the second woman tells her that she will not be going because Zizi is in a box 304 , and that she has no interest in seeing him anymore. The two women are interrupted by the arrival of another woman, who introduces herself as Linda. She tells them that Zizi has been in town for ten happy days and that he has not been spending any money with her. The second woman asks if she can have a toast with her, and the first woman refuses to give her a toast, saying that it would be rude to do so in front of an investor. She then tells the other woman that if she asks Zizi again, she will beat her.