It's the fifth day of the trial, and the elder brothers have declared it to be a waste of time. The junior brother is worried about his brother's health, but he's also worried about the safety of the other disciples. He's worried that if he doesn't stop taking the pills, he'll be killed. The elder brothers are worried about him too, and they're worried that he might be involved in a plot to kill them all. They're also worried that they've lost their chance to win the battle. The senior brothers are all worried about their brother, but they can't figure out what to do about it. They decide to send a message to the elder, telling him that they will investigate all of the disciples.
It's the fifth day of the trial, and the elder brothers have declared it to be a waste of time. The junior brother is worried about his brother's health, but he's also worried about the safety of the other disciples. He's worried that if he doesn't stop taking the pills, he'll be killed. The elder brothers are worried about him too, and they're worried that he might be involved in a plot to kill them all. They're also worried that they've lost their chance to win the battle. The senior brothers are all worried about their brother, but they can't figure out what to do about it. They decide to send a message to the elder, telling him that they will investigate all of the disciples.