Master of Legendary Realms • Chapter 78 • Page ik-page-3964409
Chapter 78
This is a locked chapterChapter 78
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When flame asks if he can destroy the "windsor house," jonas replies that he can, but that his "bolton house" can't stop him. He says that if they both agree to give him all of the bronze mines, he'll be able to work things out. He also says that he has the authority to do so on behalf of the King of China, and that if he doesn't like the order, he can ask him. If he refuses, he will be killed without mercy.
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Master of Legendary Realms • Chapter 78 • Page ik-page-3964409
Chapter 78
This is a locked chapterChapter 78
About This Chapter
When flame asks if he can destroy the "windsor house," jonas replies that he can, but that his "bolton house" can't stop him. He says that if they both agree to give him all of the bronze mines, he'll be able to work things out. He also says that he has the authority to do so on behalf of the King of China, and that if he doesn't like the order, he can ask him. If he refuses, he will be killed without mercy.
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