The stage is over, and the foreigners have lost all of their momentum. The foreigners are running past the "gotemba bypass" , which means that they've lost their chance to catch up with the rest of the group. This is a big bummer for the foreigners, because they're so used to being in the lead, and now they can't catch up. It's like the guy in middle school who was the baseball team ace is back in the game. The guy in high school is also in the race, but he's too fast to catch the foreigners. He's about to lose, and he won't be able to finish the race if he loses. He wants to be with the other guys now, so he decides to go on the tour.
The stage is over, and the foreigners have lost all of their momentum. The foreigners are running past the "gotemba bypass" , which means that they've lost their chance to catch up with the rest of the group. This is a big bummer for the foreigners, because they're so used to being in the lead, and now they can't catch up. It's like the guy in middle school who was the baseball team ace is back in the game. The guy in high school is also in the race, but he's too fast to catch the foreigners. He's about to lose, and he won't be able to finish the race if he loses. He wants to be with the other guys now, so he decides to go on the tour.