This scene is set in the palace of the Queen of Spain, where the Queen and her husband, King Juan, are quarreling over who should be crowned the new King of Spain. The King and his wife argue over who is the rightful heir to the throne, and the King argues that he should be the king. Juan argues that the crown belongs to him, not to his wife. The Queen, however, argues that Juan should be king because he has the right to choose his own wife. She says that Juan's wife, Isabel, is the one who has chosen to be the new queen. Isabel argues that it is Isabel's right to
This scene is set in the palace of the Queen of Spain, where the Queen and her husband, King Juan, are quarreling over who should be crowned the new King of Spain. The King and his wife argue over who is the rightful heir to the throne, and the King argues that he should be the king. Juan argues that the crown belongs to him, not to his wife. The Queen, however, argues that Juan should be king because he has the right to choose his own wife. She says that Juan's wife, Isabel, is the one who has chosen to be the new queen. Isabel argues that it is Isabel's right to