In the garden of the palace, the fourth prince complains to his servant that he is starving to death. The servant tells him that the garden is not suitable for him, as he is the subdirector of the royal highness. He tells the prince that the poison in his body has not yet been completely removed, and that he fears that he may die. The prince tells the servant that there is no time left for him to figure out what has happened. He says that the imperial physician has told him that Luzhi may die if he does not get rid of the poison quickly.
In the garden of the palace, the fourth prince complains to his servant that he is starving to death. The servant tells him that the garden is not suitable for him, as he is the subdirector of the royal highness. He tells the prince that the poison in his body has not yet been completely removed, and that he fears that he may die. The prince tells the servant that there is no time left for him to figure out what has happened. He says that the imperial physician has told him that Luzhi may die if he does not get rid of the poison quickly.