In this short scene, we meet a young girl named Xie, who has just passed an exam and is out for a walk. She is dressed in a strange outfit, and we learn that she has just failed an exam. She tells us that she is going to visit some of her friends, and she asks if anyone is nearby. She asks if they have instant noodles, and they both agree that they do. She then asks if she can see the pot, and the girl says that she can, but the pot is too close. She says that her eyes have changed since she was born, and people have said that she looks like a demon, and that she will die if she does not let them see her. The girl asks if he will let her see his eyes, and he says that he will, if she will allow him to see her eyes. He tells her that she should beat the gossips who gossip about her, and if they do not offend her, she will do nothing to them.
In this short scene, we meet a young girl named Xie, who has just passed an exam and is out for a walk. She is dressed in a strange outfit, and we learn that she has just failed an exam. She tells us that she is going to visit some of her friends, and she asks if anyone is nearby. She asks if they have instant noodles, and they both agree that they do. She then asks if she can see the pot, and the girl says that she can, but the pot is too close. She says that her eyes have changed since she was born, and people have said that she looks like a demon, and that she will die if she does not let them see her. The girl asks if he will let her see his eyes, and he says that he will, if she will allow him to see her eyes. He tells her that she should beat the gossips who gossip about her, and if they do not offend her, she will do nothing to them.