The jade hall master enters, looking for the "raving fire pill" , but he is distracted by the "little sister" . The little sister tells the master that she is his "masterpiece" and that he is her "brother-in- law." The master asks the little sister why she has fallen in love with someone other than him, and she tells him that she was just a "ordinary girl" when she was "just an ordinary girl." He tells her that in a short time, she "reached the peak" of the "grand master." He then asks her why she became so evil. The master tells the little girl that he did not expect her to become such an evil person, but that he has deliberately "distracted" her. He also tells her to hurry up and find the people who are looking for "the raging fire pill." The little girl says that they can't find the "giant flaming ape" until they find her, but she says that she doesn't want to break the "ban." They go through the ruins and find that most of the people were killed by the master. They go on to say that they haven't found
The jade hall master enters, looking for the "raving fire pill" , but he is distracted by the "little sister" . The little sister tells the master that she is his "masterpiece" and that he is her "brother-in- law." The master asks the little sister why she has fallen in love with someone other than him, and she tells him that she was just a "ordinary girl" when she was "just an ordinary girl." He tells her that in a short time, she "reached the peak" of the "grand master." He then asks her why she became so evil. The master tells the little girl that he did not expect her to become such an evil person, but that he has deliberately "distracted" her. He also tells her to hurry up and find the people who are looking for "the raging fire pill." The little girl says that they can't find the "giant flaming ape" until they find her, but she says that she doesn't want to break the "ban." They go through the ruins and find that most of the people were killed by the master. They go on to say that they haven't found