The liu family patriarch tells his son that he has destroyed his cultivation. He tells him to go back to the west and take his people with him. The elder of the Zhuge family is planning to return to the east, and he hopes that the Liu family will be able to stand tall and arrogant like today. He also tells him that the zhuges are planning to show themselves again, and that they will stir up a lot of commotion. After this, he says, he just needs to rest for a few days. He says that he will make his children apologize to him in person when he has the chance. The fu family head says that his power is restored after he passed her spiritual qi. Although he felt like his power had been restored, he did not expect it to disappear so soon. He thanks everyone for coming, and says that it is a good time for him to stay for two days, since the willow mountain is full of spiritual qi