In this chapter, we learn that the vampire is back from the dark. He is handsome and righteous, unlike the ordinary demons. He tells us that he and the vampire have been living happily ever after. One day, the group of demons tried to kill them, but someone stopped them from doing so. He says that he has to protect his family from the evil group. He decides to go back to the devil party's headquarters. He thinks it would be shocking to see a gothic castle or a classical palace there, but he thinks it is a sign that the human race has abandoned the feudal system. He goes to greet his colleagues and asks them what happened. He wonders why the demons would have been wandering around at midnight, showing up in the daylight. He wants to know why the humans would go to bed early, and why they would be so scared by the gloomy look of the castle. He asks if the vampire just came out of the earth, and he wonders if it was fashionable 200 years ago for the devils to wear black capes. He also wonders if there will be love in the next chapter.