The wine sister asks if she really can help ruyi win the contest. She tells us that after she fainted in the river, hua told her that she had to be taken care of. hua even asked a doctor in town to treat her. She even asked for money to buy her back. zhu mo tells her that hua owes her a big time for saving everyone in the house from fire. She also says that she actually disagreed with hua when she first asked her to handle the matter. She says that if it werent for her identity and environment, she would have been living a better life in the chancellors mansion. she says that after seeing hua moved by her magical dessert, perhaps she really has an ability that "no ordinary person" can have. she tells her sister that she will try her best to help hua win the competition. she sighs, "oh, my god what a scene. watch where you are going, granny!" she says. she's blocking the way for the royal good mood of the kingdom. why is he here already? she says, "why is he already there today? come forward, no, sister!" she tells him not to get reckless like she did last time, but to hurry up and leave the scene. he says he'll take care of it.