The king returns to the palace, and the third prince tells his brother that he is a traitor in the prince's mansion and that he can send men to investigate it. He also tells the prince that the king has planned to manipulate him. The king wanted the eight holy relics that were taken from the Nangong family and had not yet been returned. The prince thinks that if he does not listen to the king, he will be killed and the holy relics will be collected and scattered throughout the territory of the enemy. The third prince says that he has not found any useful information about the prince, but that he will go to the fei xiangrong house tonight to see if he has any intel. He says that if the king cannot marry shishi , then he will not be able to marry the third lady. He plans to go and find out if huaxiangrong has information. He thinks that the third brother will have to wait until the big brother is under the control of third lady before he can show his true strength.