In this chapter, we learn that Shum's father has agreed to let his daughter go back to her father's palace to get treatment for her poisoning. When Shum asks her sister how she is feeling, she tells her that she fell ill again. She tells her sister that she came to see her. Shum says that he is taking her to his palace for treatment, and that she should accompany her to the palace of Prince An. She says that she will get better soon, and she will go to her parents immediately to tell them what has happened. Shu's reply is that she is not engaged to him like her sister is, so she should be careful not to tell her parents. He says that every time something is going on in the court, Shum is the first one to come. He also says that if the girls had known that he was such a disgusting person, they would have gotten their eyes checked. He asks her why they should not complete their marriage now. She replies that they should get changed and leave soon.