At night, the prince tells the young man that he has been drinking at the fei tian house. He tells the prince that the girl who looks like him is not a shishi. The prince says that he will send more men to search for the girl, but that it will be difficult to talk about the matter. He says that tomorrow, he will leave the prince's side to find new medicines and supplies. The young man asks if he can come in and sit up with the chicken soup. The chicken soup looks like someone has rescued the girl after she fell into the river. The man is the one who slapped the girl. The girl says that they have apologized on her behalf. She says that she had a dream that she was a young shishi and had been murdered by a shadow. She tells the girl that she should not put herself at risk for their sake in the future. She adds that she will not turn her back on the evil and the arrogant. The little girl says she was thinking about going to see the brocade that was given to her by the divine mathematician yesterday, but she decided to go see the mistress first.