In this chapter, we learn that the poison went into Cai's heart the night before, and she woke up the next morning. The doctor tells her that it's likely that she'll be able to recover her sight, but that the best thing to do now is to take the blood of her dead body and give it to her sister. She's finally back, and they're all excited to see her. Cai tells her to have the tea, because the tea has poisoned her. She says she can't drink the poisoned tea because she's in her mind, and that's why she wants to die. She tells the doctor that she can see him, and then she explains that she has already been disfigured since she was a child. She also says that she saw her father and chun feeding her tea, but she didn't realize that they were feeding her the tea at the same time. She thinks that maybe her sickness is part of a conspiracy to kill her and her mother. She then explains that the entire mansion must be under the influence of Shuxiang Dou and Feng-Ming, because they've all been feeding Cai the tea. She admits that she doesn't understand why her father has married a woman he's not in love with, why he has poisoned his daughter, and why he hasn't just killed himself. She wonders what kind of wealth his father wants to give up in order to move his family on his own.