The nangongs have been spreading the rumor that the eldest lady is moving to the prince's mansion and that the second lady is also moving there. The eldest lady says that she is not worried about the rumors, but she is worried about her sister. She says that the pond in the li-luo-garden is not deep and that she did not mean to harm her back in the garden. She also says that her arrogance and highness are not the same as her sister's. She asks if it could also be the chun-er who poisoned her, and the elder lady replies that she would not be so cruel. The elder lady then asks the servant how she could have been a part of the plan. The servant says that he was forced to play a part in the plan and that he wishes that he could cure her of her madness. He says that if she were to be poisoned, it would not make her the final winner, but would only make her look like a whore.