"Who the hell is you?" asks the young woman, who has been waiting for the ghost. The ghost tells her that he has come to help her, and that she is welcome to meet him at the house of the fei xi. The young woman wonders why the ghost helped her father kill her mother, and wonders if her mother's death will keep her safe from the nangongs. The old man says that he cannot predict man's disasters, but that he can foresee disasters in the person's own life. He says that everything is "destined," and that he believes in the possibility of the future. He gives her brocades, which he says will help her in the event of a loss of her way. She asks where her father is, and the ghost says he has just passed by the house and saw a "strange noise" in the room. He asks her to come in and investigate, and she says she has just seen a noise. He tells her she is a "troublesome young girl," and asks her why she is not using him to make soup