In this short scene, the young woman is introduced to a new character, a photographer named Duila. Duila asks her friend sixun to take a picture of her and her lover, and Duila does so. When she realizes that he has made her look fat in the photo, she curses him for making her look like such a fool. She also tells him that he is not a good photographer, because he has poor skills. She tells him to break it off, and he does so, laughing hysterically.
In this short scene, the young woman is introduced to a new character, a photographer named Duila. Duila asks her friend sixun to take a picture of her and her lover, and Duila does so. When she realizes that he has made her look fat in the photo, she curses him for making her look like such a fool. She also tells him that he is not a good photographer, because he has poor skills. She tells him to break it off, and he does so, laughing hysterically.