The next morning, the two men go to a convenience store to buy snacks and drinks. When they get there, they find that the man has been working all day. He tells them that his ex-wife is getting married, and that he is glad for her, but that it still gets him down. He asks the man if deep marriage is not going to happen for him, and the man says that deep marriage isn't likely for him. The two men drink some more, and then the narrator says that he had a good time, too.
The next morning, the two men go to a convenience store to buy snacks and drinks. When they get there, they find that the man has been working all day. He tells them that his ex-wife is getting married, and that he is glad for her, but that it still gets him down. He asks the man if deep marriage is not going to happen for him, and the man says that deep marriage isn't likely for him. The two men drink some more, and then the narrator says that he had a good time, too.