In this short scene, the students of Hikokusel High School, in Tokyo Prefecture, are eating dinner at a roadside diner. One of the students, Tamura, tries to persuade the others to eat more, but they refuse, saying that they must eat more if they are going to grow up like their brothers. Tamura tells the other students that he wishes he were dead so that he could be like them. The other students, however, do not believe him, and they continue to eat.
In this short scene, the students of Hikokusel High School, in Tokyo Prefecture, are eating dinner at a roadside diner. One of the students, Tamura, tries to persuade the others to eat more, but they refuse, saying that they must eat more if they are going to grow up like their brothers. Tamura tells the other students that he wishes he were dead so that he could be like them. The other students, however, do not believe him, and they continue to eat.